Fallen Warriors

Dale Danielian - Class Of 1970

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04/11/24 04:06 PM #1    

Paul Supan (1969)

I don't scroll through this section much. I saw Dale had passed. He was in my Boy Scout Troop ( Troop 82 ) and also a member of the Order of the Arrow.. Sad to see so many folks from years past are no longer with us. Other KHS 1969 Warrior Scouts included Alan Hoshor, Dale Lewis, Steve Gamache, Paul Volkhausen, Kurt Sedgewick, Russ Cherry ? and a several others which my remaining gray cells can not recall.

I think Scouting, like collecting stamps, ham radio,  and playing Bridge, is an activity that is slowly fading away.

Rest well my fellow Scouts.


Paul S.  KHS 69.

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