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Kecoughtan High School
Classes of 1968, 1969, and 1970 Reunion















You can't live in the past, but its nice to have one.... George Burns

 But you can visit every once in a while

Calling all KHS Warriors! It has been FIVE years and it is time to get back together!

A reunion committee has been formed, a contract signed and planning is well underway. We are planning to meet at the same venue (Hampton - The Landing) on the weekend of October 18-19 2024. The agenda is much the same as before.

Event details and ticket information can be found on the "55th Reunion " link, top left this page. Note payment can not be accepted at the door!



New Announcement !

We are receiving reunion checks with the name of the account owner, which in some cases may not be the name of the person actually attending the reunion. To insure classmates are properly registered and name tags are correct, please write the names of the persons attending and their class on your checks