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Classmate Forums
Forum Topics Last Post
Anything goes . . . until someone uses some unsavory language or I'm otherwise forced to step in and moderate. I'm also open to suggestions for new forums. - Jerry
8 RE: KHS Class of 1969 50th Reunion
09/15/19 12:23 AM by Paul Supan
Please post any tips or info you may have on missing classmates from either class. Eveyone will be able to view all the tips and refer to them and we may find a collaborative solution to bring those lost sheep back into the fold.
1 RE: Class Ring Found - Ring Owner Missing
07/25/09 10:19 PM by Susi Lawson
Go ahead. Stun us with your funniest stories about your experiences while you were a student a KHS.
5 RE: Remember ______?
07/30/09 11:39 PM by Bart Brown