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Forum: Missing Classmate Information [STICKY]


Class Ring Found - Ring Owner Missing

Created on: 03/30/09 03:41 PM Views: 3020 Replies: 4
Class Ring Found - Ring Owner Missing
Posted Monday, March 30, 2009 10:41 AM
I get emails about the website from people all over. About two months ago I received a message from a person who'd found a male's 1969 class ring with some initials inside. Apparently it had been lost out in the front yard of a house. I don't recall all the details but Bonnie Bridger Mittelmaier and I think that we've figured out who it was. I have the email at home and will post it here tonight.
Edited 03/30/09 11:22 AM
RE: Class Ring Found - Ring Owner Missing
Posted Monday, March 30, 2009 05:41 PM

Okay, here it is: "Around 1980 my husband and I bought a house in Colonial Heights, VA and cut down some trees in the front yard. In doing so we found a Male Class Ring from your school with the initials L E E engraved in it. We would love to get it back to it's original owner. Please contact me if you can be of help. It would be great for this person to have it for their 40th reunion!! " The woman who found it is Debby Boyd. I wrote back and told her "I looked at my 1969 roster as soon as I got your email. I believe that might belong to a Larry Edward Evans. He’s the only male in the yearbook with the initials L.E.E. I didn’t know him (nor do I have any current contact info on him) but I’m going to keep looking." So, if anybody out there knows where we can get ahold of Larry Edward Evans please speak up!

Edited 04/22/09 05:59 AM
RE: Class Ring Found - Ring Owner Missing
Posted Tuesday, July 7, 2009 09:10 PM

My KHS class ring was stolen from a locker at a pool about 38 years ago in the Hampton area. The initials KPP were inside. I sure would like it back for sentimental reasons, if anyone comes across it. Class of '69, yellow gold, green stone. Size 5 or 5 and a half. Thanks! Kathie Price McMahon

Edited 07/07/09 09:11 PM
RE: Class Ring Found - Ring Owner Missing
Posted Thursday, July 9, 2009 10:58 AM

Hey Kathie,

Wouldn't it be great if your ring turned up?  Like some kind of miracle, let's keep our fingers crossed.  Wonder if the school ever receives inquiries concerning lost and found rings?  Boy, I would be sad not to have mine.  I wear it to every reunion.  It's so different than what kids get today.  I do cherish it for sure.  Hope you are doing well, want to see you at the reunion, keep in touch,  Bonnie B


RE: Class Ring Found - Ring Owner Missing
Posted Saturday, July 25, 2009 10:19 PM

I would like to know how we can get a hold of missing year books!! I lost all of mine when my parents divorced and ran into Chuck Eckels and he gave me his as he said it didn't mean anything to him ( go figure) and then I came upon another classmate who asked to borrow it and it has never been returned :(

anyone know how to find copies or if it is silly to even consider finding any?


