Fallen Warriors

Clifford Clow - Class Of 1969

Clifford G. Clow, Sr.

Born - March 9, 1951 - Died May 9, 1994

No obituary available

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12/10/08 10:09 PM #1    

Jerry Quinn (1969)

Clifford's son got in touch with Debby Nelson and I through the site and let us know that his dad had died of a heart attack in 1994. I asked him how he'd found us and he said that he'd been doing a search on his dad's name and our site came up. He went on to write that he hoped that seeing his dad's name in the "In Memory" section would bring back memories to some of his old friends. Thanks, Cliff Jr., for letting us know. Otherwise your dad would have been just another classmate we couldn't locate.

I'm sure Cliff, Jr. would appreciate hearing from someone who knew his dad in high school and could tell him what Cliff, Sr. was like back then. If you're interested, LMK and I'll send you his e-mail address.

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